VEGA Izmailovo Hotel and Convention Center hosted the Russian National Lighting Conference supported by Electronica media group and Archilight Laboratory on August 6, 2020.
The issues of market norms and regulations, technologies and components, lighting design and versatile effects of lighting on humans were in the spotlight of the three simultaneous sessions. Important if not central was the exchange of experience on implementation of complex lighting projects and designing of dedicated devices to resolve specific lighting tasks and meet customer’s requirements.
Representatives of Russia’s and overseas leading lighting companies – architects, lighting designers, science associates, fixtures and components manufacturers – introduced their reports.
IE Group in the person of Semen Burukin, Vice-President for External Trade introduced the report “ASTRO – the alternative urban street lighting management system”.
Mr. Burukin showcased unprecedented by a number of functions innovative street lighting management system as well as shared experience of street lighting projects deployment in Russia and overseas (CIS, Europe, South America) based on the products of IE Group: LED luminaires known in Russia by the brand LeaderLight, ASTRO, central control and lighting management systems. Moreover Mr. Burikin answered a number of questions, which, in particular, poured light on manageable lighting regulatory aspects in the Russian Federation and Europe.